Welcome to the 2015 Henderson High School Leavers page. As we farewell our final year of high school, this page will keep us updated on the latest news, events and activities that are happening at school. This is a great opportunity for our past pupils to see the improvements and the upgrades that the school has been through. This is also an opportunity to stay in touch with other members of the 2015 graduates. This website is specifically for our leavers and also past pupils. Catch up with friends and keep track of what is going on in school! Our vision is to foster a progressive learning environment that helps all our students graduate as mature, confident young people, who have the know-how and drive to achieve success in their chosen fields. Our students enjoy being part of a small school community where there is opportunity for each of them to be known and cherished. They enjoy modern facilities, an attractive environment, and ease of access in the heart of Henderson. Above all, they have pride and confidence in their school. Our emphasis on positive, happy students is supported by school rules that maintain high standards and ensure a safe environment for all.